Whistleblowing Reports

This digital platform allows anyone (employees and collaborators, suppliers and any other person who has had or intends to have business relationships with the Company) to report - through a guided online process - hypotheses of illicit conduct or irregularities, violations del Organizational Model 231 and related procedures, of the Code of Ethics , of Integrated Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility, SA8000 and Gender Equality, or Company Regulations.
The reports are sent to the Supervisory Body (SB), from which they are analysed.
The verification activities regarding the validity of the circumstances represented in the report are the responsibility of the aforementioned Body, which carries out them in compliance with the principles of fairness, impartiality and confidentiality and carrying out any activity deemed appropriate, including the personal hearing of the whistleblower – if known – and any other subjects who can report on the reported facts.
By entering your report on this portal, you will obtain a unique identification code, which guarantees the confidentiality of the reporter's identity, to be used to be informed on the status processing of the report sent and the outcome of any preliminary investigation.

It is recommended to carefully keep the unique identification code of the report, as, in the event of loss, it will not may be retrieved or duplicated in any way.

To view the Whitsleblowing policy click here

For more information see FAQ

To fill a whistleblowing report, click here

If you have already filled a report, enter the code to view and track it